User Rating: 10 | Battlefield Vietnam PC
Battlefield Vietnam DICE has done it again; Battlefield Vietnam (BFV) has managed to live up to all the hype that was behind it, which isn’t very common in games today. Though some people are experiencing graphic issues with lag, I have none at all, and that is with everything set on high, the light-mapping and shadows are turned off. The only lag experienced is during online play do to slow servers. Already there are about 1.5K people playing at any given time, there are hundreds of player-made servers up, which are a good thing, since EA kept the old BF1942 servers and is running BFV off of them, which is what is causing a lot of lag. The graphics are anything but bad; every little detail has been accounted for. The mud that flies up behind a jeep and from the sides of a tank is convincingly real; the same goes for the grass that is blown up for a chopper that is landing in a grassy knoll. The character models are much better, body shape and facial positions are more detailed. The environments are very large, though not as big as BF1942, which is a good thing because now there are no wide open fields with nothing covering them. Every area is a jungle, with grass, bushes, and trees everywhere. The 2 city maps are very well made, you can go in every building, and sometimes you don’t know where enemy fire is coming from. BFV does a great job of making you feel like you’re in Vietnam. The skies are cloudy and partly sunny and light barely shines through the thick canopy of the jungle. You are able to understand the hectic close quarters and long range combat, since the camouflage actually works and you can’t see people when they are prone, unless you are looking hard. Also, BFV includes a nice soundtrack of Vietnam era war protest songs. All the sound bugs from the first game have been fixed, and now you can hear the drop of every shell. Overall BFV does a great job of living up to its predecessor’s name. If you can manage to look through the few graphical bugs and some server lag, which will all be fixed in the patch, then BFV is easily the game of the year.