Definate fun, great addition to the Battlefield series!
The greatest part of this game I believe are the helicopters and the awesome job done on the vegetation. Unlike in Battlefield 1942, Vietnam encourages players to use their camoflauge and suroundings. If you stop and listen foot steps of the enemy can be heard approaching you. You can even hide in brushes and sneak up on enemy troops to kills them with your knife or a nice surprising gun shot.
The helicopters can be harder to learn how to fly however. They may be probaly the funnest part in all of the Battlefield franchise but that's only if you can knock a few pilots out of the sky. Most people use the Huey's, they like them loaded with tons of missles and maybe even a copilot to provide extra fire power. Helis are great ways to get around the map at fast speeds and with dangerous weapons. However, if you're not careful a tank can blow you out of the sky if they're at the right elevation. Even sneaky ground units carrying laws and SA7s can be a pain in your bottom half.
Planes as well are included for all you bombing geeks. They can carry napalm and load of bombs. Don't rape bases though- with helicopters either -because people will cuss at you and then boot you off the servers and that wouldn't be good. This game is good for any Veteran of Nam or game geek.