Sometimes I thought rather I'm the only who loved it..
I bought this game in right at march 26 2004(My brithday) and fell in love with was my first game played and much that I finally put it down in late 2006 to early 2007..
It is not a perfect game, I admit that..A.I could be either too stupid or too accurate just depend on level you choose on..
I don't care their A.I actually, I choose their A.I to be easy and set bots-64 and enemy to friendly ratio-IMPOSSIBLE. That means It's 54 enemy to 8 of your teammates, including yourself..
That's what INSTENSITY is like!!!!! Enemy kept pouring onto your location and M60 was roaring and die die die die..
It's great to me, as a killing spree lover rather than "tactics" shooter..
To tell the truths, I kill about 150 in a singleplayer map and die only 2 to 3 times..sometimes I don't even die..
It's very exciting and relaxing to me at that time..
As for multiplayer, I loved the idea of co-op team play with friends against hundreds of vietcong..
In conquest part, it's good, fine, just like what it should be like in a battlefield game..
And the sounds are really can check lots of 60s-70s songs and immerse with the vietnam war world..
The war where over ten millions people died.
Where it's meaningless and bloody..where soldiers were abandoned and betrayed by countries..where hopes were crushed in the 15 years long war..
You can also upload your own mp3 in the file to play in game..
I present this in my 2004-2007 playing expierences and I swear to god I played this longer in this than anyone..
Graphic-8.5/10 (Never very good, but fine)
Gameplay-10/10(SIngleplayer with enemy ratio IMPOSSIBLE)
Gameplay-8.5/10(Multiplayer conquest and co-op)
Value-10/10(to me)
BTW, I played ALL battlefield series, but I still loved this one the most..BF1942 and its expansion are boring compared..BF2 is fine but buggy where this one is superb smooth..and while BF2 offer no last BF2142 is just another BF2..
Overrall I would give this game a 9.5/10..
Forever Battlefield Vietnam!!!!!(The game that none could remember..)