I think this game isn't getting enough credit. I think it's awsome. I think people should play this on Multiplayer first

User Rating: 8.5 | Battlestations: Midway X360
This games should get more credit the time that was taken to make the clouds, and the water I think it looks amazing. I think people should try this game on Multiplayer first. Yes, the Campaign is short, but so was the Campaign on Halo 2 and the Multiplayer and grapics made up for that. I think the same happened with this game. Just give this game a chance before you say anything bad about it. Also, it has some great parts to it that make it even better. The Dogfighting in different planes. Being able to control a lot of different ships, and the 8 player multiplayer. You can also play as the Japanese side in Multiplayer. I think this game is just awsome.