What a horribly horribly horribly entertaining game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Battlestations: Midway X360
Well I'll get right to the point. This game's single player sucks. End of story.

This game however is golden at online play. I can't really explain what the hell it is but, being able to control a huge battleship that has enough firepower to sink a carrier is just awesome. Not to mention when you get online with up to 8 people and each one of you gets control of various aircraft, and ships, you have a blast. This game will literally keep you playing match after match until the early morning.

The game even in it's glorious multiplayer does have some issues, such as the clipping between ships....... I never really knew you could ram head on into a ship, bounce off, and do a barrel roll in the water. SO some major physical problems. The game also has some balance issues, such as the Destroyer vs a Heavy battleship. Yes I know you say but Bob its a battleship. But when my little dinky destroyer can all but fire off a few torpedos which also take a obnoxious time to reload while this hulking beast can unleash one shot and instantly vaporize my boat seems a little unfair.

Not that I think it's nubish or anything but it just kinda means you see the same kind of styles in a game. " Build big ass battleship", "Sail to enemy boat yard, while vaporizing any resistance", "Laugh at the people that just got owned by you in the lobby"

This game does a great job in the multiplayer aspect and is a must buy for any xbox live subscriber. It will be interesting to see any patches they may release for this game, and you really can't beat it considering its probably about to go Classics soon and be a meager twenty dollars which is well worth the endless entertainment you can get out of the multiplayer.