Awful! I spend 2 1/2 hours playing a tutorial, and then when I'm all excited, the game turns out to be awful.
User Rating: 1 | Battlestations: Midway PC
I buy the game, 20 dollars. I install it. I am extremely excited. And after playing a two and a half hour tutorial, (I am not exaggerating) where a person that is extremely hard to understand tells me things that go way into detail, which is not necessary. The airplanes that you pilot are unbelievably hard to control, i crashed every 10 seconds. The mouse is inverted, so i had to spend a half an hour looking for the controls to make it not inverted. I had to look up the controls for doing things every 5 minutes because the tutorial, supposedly going into detail does not explain the important things. the radar is SIMPLY AWFUL. On the first mission, in a PT boat, you have to find the phoenix, a ship. I spend 10 minutes looking for it, ramming into walls and crashing my ship. it turns out you have to go all the way around, which it gives you no notion of how to do whatsoever. finally, after finishing the first part of the first mission, I have to pilot a airplane. OH GOODY! No mission objective is displayed, and i kept crashing. your supposed "squad mates" which are supposed to help you fight the enemy, and keep planes off your tail run away. i am stranded, to fight by myself, with my health constantly going down, no idea what to do, and keep dieing. I at that point, so angry, i took the C.D. out and literally stepped on it. In conclusion, THIS GAME SUCKS.