I'm really enjoying this game. With a mix of strategy and action it's a very unique game.
If you like strategy-type games such as Lord of the Rings Battle for MIddle Earth I think you'll really love this game. It's very original. I've never seen anything like it......I mean you get to control a whole fleet of ships: battleships, cruisers, PT boats, aircraft carriers, etc. Then on the aircraft carrier you can control the whole fleet of planes and even swap to any of the planes and battle from the cockpit. It seems like the options and weapons and gameplay of the aircraft are even better than Blazing Angels. They are definitely very comparable and that says alot when flying and controlling aircraft is only a very small portion of this entire game!!! Oh and I must mention the submarines. This is the first game where I could ever control a submarine. You can lift the parascope out of the water mark your target and fire your torpedos. You can drop to different depths in the water. I can't wait to get more into the game. Ill try and update this review as I go along. In fact I'm going to play now! But so far, so good. I highly recommend this game. I would say it's not for kids too young because it would be too complicated for younger kids. Probably at least thirteen or older. Also, you can play on 3 different levels of difficulty. I'm starting on Rookie.
There's something about warfare out in the middle of an ocean with all that water all around and your manning an anti-aircraft gun and blasting at a Japanese bomber who's coming in at you.......then you blast it into a flying fireball that takes a dive into the water.......that is just so cool to see in Hi-definition action!!!!