High hopes, sailing apon the high seas.... just to have the AP bomb of reality and laziness hit my magizine.
User Rating: 5.9 | Battlestations: Midway PC
These high hopes havn't been entirely destroyed mind you. I just feel as if I'm playing half a game. Everything I'm playing though is very solid. All of the units, the physics, and the graphics are all to par. And the multiplayer is great, with only a few issues keeping it from absolute stardom. At this point unfortunetly it's only the multiplayer that's keeping this afloat on my hard drive (6gb's! ouch). The multi-player on regular took me five hours to complete. The challenges took me less than three. I've played all but three multiplayer maps. So that means that I've played the entire game within two days of paying the $39.99 for it. As for the multi-player, some work could be done as well. a point pool/buy system would have been great. And a more open flowing battle creation system (similar to Pacific Storms Battle Planner Mode for Multi-Player) would have made this game a classic for nearly everyone. As is the omission of a skirrimish mode, the innability to custom mulitplayer battles to a greater extant and the lack of a longer and more difficult single player campaign is likely to get this game the boot after another week for Pacific Storm play (picked it up one day after Battle Stations... buggy... yet better SO [if you like heavy strategy] much better... sad.) If you like flashy games, buy it but I'd wait for it to hit the bargain bin... and if you own and 360... avoid it like an STD.