About two months ago I seen/heard about Battlestations, so I log on and download a couple of Game-play videos. I was very impressed by what I saw. This game looked like it would renew its genre. So I patiently waited, and finally the multi-player demo was released. Needless to say the download of the demo was something that I was excited to see. After download was completed I logged on to see what this game was about. I was very disapointed by my lack of knowledge on how to control my units, however I knew it was a demo and that they can only fit so much on one.
So I was doomed to continue and wait, I knew I was going to buy this game as soon as it was released (with prior approval of my wife that is :) ). Well not to change the subject but my local Wal-Mart hasn't even received their shipments of Battlestations yet (10 days post release), so I ordered one from Ebay. I have been playing the game for around 4 days now, having completed the single player campaign I've been getting some experience in the Ranked Matches. I can tell you this, this game is very historically accurate, very addicting, and most of all very fun!
The Xbox 360 has been and will be rolling out hits throughout 2007. This is great for all of us gamers, but for developers, this is more of a nightmare. The problem is the fact that with all of this selection, many gre... Read Full Review
the game itslef i pretty entertaining with vivid graphics exspecially the water. for being one of the few RTS games for the 360 it did a really good job. however ui find the weapons ratio for the americans and japanese ... Read Full Review