not the best made game, but still provides hours of fun
The story is about a post apocalypic world, which was caused by global infertility, and focuses on a family (rare in this time) and their gang. Most of the world is run by gangs very similar to this in which they use tanks isted of the gangs of today. and, well appaerntly their child is taken from them and they uncover the "edge" which is a psycic force and the kidnapper caused the infertility to make only humans with the force surivive. it goes more indepth but its really rather cheesy and not worth paying attention to. pretty much the gameplay consists of battleing with tanks (there are many in the game to choose from) and using not only their main cannon, but an array of ther subweapons that range from turrets to nukes (those are BAD BOYS!!!!). The gameplay is well, just fun.
The graphics are ratehr blocky (like most early N64 games) and overall, well, not that great (the buildings demolish into a tiny pile of grey rubble no matter what size they are. but some effects from the game are created very well for theeir time (such as the lazers or plasma bolts). I found this old clasic at a good old store of mine for 7 $ whic is still pretty dam good for vinatge material. this game had one of the best multiplayers of any N64 game before the larger game units. It was a commonly rented game in the day, but now my friends have no respect for the old game, so it may just have to reside i my N64 box for quite a while.