For all of you N64 gamers out there. Battletanx is by far one of the most addicting games to play on the multiplayer function. Really you don't even have to move. All you need is afew guided missles and your off to the races. Once in a while (but not often enough to discredit the game) you get stuck in a wall and the other player cannot see you but you can still shoot them. The only way they can destroy you is to set off the one and only nuke in each level. If you haven't tried this game and you really like multiplayer games then I would really advise this game with at least 3 people. There are some really entertaining cheats to make the game harder as well. Enjoy!
I don't know how many times ive played this sweet game. The one player sux, but that doesn't matter when you play this all day with your 3 best friends. The graphics are ok, but its worth blowing down all the buildings t... Read Full Review
This is a great game for N64. I played for long periods at a time. Here is the breakdown: Gameplay: 8/10 It was a little glitchy at times but not too bad. The multiplayer was fun and it had a great storyline. Graph... Read Full Review