Give this game a difficulty setting and a password system and it would be more playable
The plot of this game is that you have to rescue a princess and another battletoad from an evil queen, so you and another battletoad have to go rescue them while dealing with many enemies, death traps, and many obstacles. The game starts out as your typical beat-'em-up game where you just move around and beat up rats, robots, and other various enemies, now the first two level are pretty good, in the first one it's a side-scroller beat-'em-up, in the second level, you have to descend down a pit while having to deal with enemies, it's nothing complicated especially when you can turn into a wrecking ball. Now the third level really ramps up the difficulty, you have to get on a speed bike and avoid obstacles, now that sounds simple, but as you go through each checkpoint, the level gets faster up until it's probably lightning fast, this level is unforgiving with its speed, deathtraps, and surprises it throws at you. I won't go into detail of every level but this game gets harder and harder, with each level being more of a pain then the last, this game is just plainly unforgiving on its difficulty, if they actually gave an option on how hard it would be, it wouldn't be that bad. Adding to it is the fact that you have limited amount of continues, if you use all of them up, it's game over. Now if the game had a password system to continue where you left off and difficulty setting, Battletoads would be a near masterpiece. There is a 2-player setting but the problem is that you and your ally can hurt each other and when one of you loose all your lives, it's game over for both of you even if one of the players has all of their lives.
While this game is indeed one of the hardest games out there, that doesn't mean that the game is bad, but a password system, difficulty setting, and not being able to hurt your ally would make this a really good game. I do consider this game a classic despite these problems and is addicting. Play this game if you want to, but be warned to beat this game you have to play this game to death, memorize every obstacle, and have quick reflexes. That and have a lot of patience to beat it.