The Good:
- Exhilarating combat and pace
- Extremely epic cinematics
- Interesting story. Rare for a beat em up game.
- Controls were very smooth. Being able to cancel combos into a parry, then continuing the combo after added so much depth to the combat.
- Such a wide variety of techniques that enhances the combos you can do. It allows you to be creative with combos, and use it to really stylish.
- Hard and Climax mode facilitates the extra techniques and combos, requiring you to master the inputs and perfect your combos, and timing. A good way to keep those who want to be hardcore playing the game. Also adds replay value for those who want to earn the best medals.
- The dialogue was hilarious, and serious when it needed to be.
- Voice acting was top notch.
- Music was great. Up beat music would play during a finisher, relieving the stress built up during the battle. Moon River is also a fitting song.
The Bad:
- Camera can be in a bad position at times, making you miss an enemy attack animation, thus failing a parry. This was understandable, given the amount of movement there was during combat.