Bayonetta is, quite possibly, the most fun anyone will have on their console for a good long while!
It overloads you with fast action, imaginative visuals, fantastic accessibility, smooth controls, wicked gameplay, and is filled to the brim with sexual prowess, all the while presenting itself as a silly as hell romp that never, ever takes itself seriously for a second.
The story's simple...Bayonetta's a witch, and she's lost her memory. Just a means to an end to get the action moving really. She's helped out by an Agent of Hell, a stereotype of an italian informant, and along the way, meets another witch, a handsome young man, and a mysterious little girl, all of whom have a key to unlocking Bayonetta's memory, and unfolding the story.
But, as I said, it's just a means to an end, to get the action flowing.
And that's where this game excels.
Never have I played a game that blends visual style, blatent sexuality, no holds barred action with such unabashed and unapologetic imagination, all the while holding it's own tongue in it's cheek, blending these things into something so absurdly comical, but instantly accessible, that I could not stop playing. I wanted to see what happened next.
Which, is part of the genius of this game. It made me want to keep playing to the end, for pleasure and story.
I find it odd, that this story makes no pretences to being important, or substantial in any manner, yet I wanted to see it to it's completion.
Game designers may take note...these are games we're playing...the "playing" has to be as good (probably more so) than the story they're telling.
Anyone from a novice to a God of War/Devil May Cry vet can get into this game quite easily, and it's completely silly over the top action will keep anyone's attention through the end.
While this certainly isn't going to rank among my greatest games of all time list, it's certainly worthy of being on my favorite games to play list.
Bayonetta is completely original, and because of this, has few boundaries, and manages to blend elements both amazing and absurd so well together, that I imagine it will have a solid fan base for years to come, because what it is, is unique.
And these days, few games are.