Fight,laugh even DANCE!
The only reason I didn't put bayonetta as my number 1 game of all times it's because it's unfair to the kinds of zelda and assassin's creed where there actually is a story way more developed than bayonetta.
don't get me wrong the story is good and there is some sense in what's happening only everything happens during the cut-scenes all you do is battle and's literally an ACTION game.
What is amazing about it is the variety, the look, the fluidity, the innovation etc.. of the moves.
You cannot imagine how many times i've lost in a battle because i was staring at how beautiful my moves, the environment and even monsters looked. The bosses' environments are always innovative and ...DYNAMIC! yes dynamic! everything moves! wind, the platform u're fighting on and it's not just moving! it's rotating, jumping, cracking...whatever you want!
At some points in the game u get a break from battling regularly and a motorcycle or...control a missile ur'e standing on
the finishing moves are really great to see and ..i don't wana spoil the fun but when u're done with some bosses, u can...manipulate ur last's pretty fun i won't tell u wht exactly happens but it's towards the end of the game with the last 2 bosses...killing them with the last blow is VERY VERY hilarious.
anyway buy this game don't rent don't even think bout not buying it it is a masterpiece and u'll wana try the hard difficulty coz u can't believe u go trough the fastest paced action u've played on normal mode it must be way more tinteresting on hard!