bayonetta good,but not as good as "DEVIL MAY CRY".
the first glance at the game looks very good,but the main character only has 2 guns and 2 legs to kick,and thats it.but as you go further in the game you will get more and more objects to use such as swords and these gloves that you can bunch with,dont know the name.
to me bayonetta was a reference copy of devil may cry series created by capcom.i can see that it isnt the same thing,but you can see that sega has brought a lot of different elements to show in bayonetta,but no matter what it is, in my mind it looks like devil may cry,for example the sharpness of gameplay is the same thing,those cutscenes my gosh looks like a copy version of DMC series,i dont know why ,maybe im wrong but to me it did look like that.
well to be more exact about the gameplay i wanted to say afew words ,you see the game play is sharp and fast which is a good thing ,and this ability allows those players that have the gaming hands to try them selves out.if you have those kinds of steady hands that can push buttons very fast well this is great because then you know what you are doing,but sometimes during the game you can get really annoyed and frustrated because some of the enemies are very very fast so you need to be very quick to respond on you pads and that can get disappointed since you will have to die afew times to learn how to do it ,but still very nice movements and controls in the game.
as i said earlier ,as you progress through the game you will get new weapons such as swords and new guns,lets not forget that there are dozens of moves that you can execute during the game ,each weapon has its own set of moves which makes the fighting very fun,and you will see more variety of moves here.
i was actually very very surprised about the length of the game plus the cutscenes.first i have to say that some of the cutscenes are aggravating and disappointing and boring,because simply you dont know what in the world they are talking about.second point is that the length of the game is very long, you will get to see a lot of different levels,with different varieties and different realms,but again the bad part could also be the bosses,that are difficult in my opinion and you have to maybe die 4 or 5 times to understand how to do it,which can be bad.
there are also some submissions are seen as golden portals through out the game.devil may cry had something like that,in which you have to kill enemies using special moves or combos.
well if i wanna compare bayonetta to devil may cry i would have a lot to say about both.
bayonetta can not be compared to DMC,the devil may cry series was huge so really uncomparable to bayonneta,if i had to choose one i would say DMC.bayonetta has a lot to go to reach perfection.
also it looks to me that bayonetta has been made specially for female gender,i dont really think guys want to actually play as a women characters,to me it looks that way.
the graphics isnt as that good for example the textures arent that unique and the 3d structure models arent that good either. the only 3d models that stand out are mostly the characters.if you observe the elements in the game it looks as if the game is looking more like comic other than real life characters for example the height of the characters, the long legs,and the faces look like comic and nothing more.
i say it again the game looks like a version of devil may cry aimed at the female gamers,it just didnt work for me as much,dont get me wrong the game was worth playing,but i mean those big ugly pink guns where really awful,the characters did not really make a contact with me as much as it should have,lets not forget it SEGA.another thing that bothers me is that even the dialogue that had jokes in it,somehow felt boring and left me with nothing.
also bad credit goes to this game for the lack of responsibility over the main story,what was it with the story,way too many things was fed to the player,and the differences between jokes and realism was lost perfectly to a point where you didnt care if it was real or not so it was all lost.
the foundation of the story was horrible,the least the player could have got was a perfectly high resolution rendered movie at the beginning of the game which was also changed to a boring same cutscene effects.
at the end i would give the game 7.5 out of 10 mostly for the variety of the levels and the long story and more or less the isnt a must have, i think but worth playing.