This is a good game,dispite a bad rating.It bring the New York city high sky line,with new anti-gravity technology,which has brought flying cars and busses ans so on.You get to race in gangs against other gangs,with speed and aggression.Dillevering pizzas as quick as possible,for Tony.This game is like the 5th element or similar to it in terma of the sky line and flying cars,this games brings gaming to a slightly diffrent level in its own way.The graphics are good,but a bit slopy,its good value for its money,sound is perfect or great really,at least its too mixed up or terrible sounnding it goes with the game or gamesplay fine enoung.Racing around is a bit difficult,so you have to be conncentrting and not running into other cars,so you can keep pace with the other cars,also running aways from the cops.The amont of levels from my point of view are too much and it gets hrder as you go up.But at least you get to choose you drivers and car you want wich is good.So i wouldt 100% recomend it to anyone but its a good or decent game to play.