Just as weird and fun as the PS2 original. Pretty much the same graphics too.

User Rating: 8 | Beautiful Katamari X360
A few years back I picked up Katamari Damacy on the PS2 for 20$ as kind of a curiosity game. I didn't really know what to expect, but from what I'd heard this game sounded like one of those weird Japanese games that rarely make it to the states. Kind of like the Parappa games. I was absolutely right about this. I bring up the original because Beautiful Katamari plays pretty much exactly like it's predecessor.
For those unfamiliar, the Katamari games have you roll around a ball that various items stick to, thus making the ball bigger. The bigger the ball, the bigger the items that stick to it. SO while you may start off picking up thumbtacks, within 5 minutes you could be picking up humans, even cars. As weird as this sounds, it is nearly as addicting as Tetris when you start getting into it. You'll eventually learn to plan your route of stuff collection to get the biggest Katamari within the fastest time.
The only difference this time is that you eventually get to go way bigger than before. I mean this is really the ONLY difference from previous games. The graphics haven't improved a bit. THe camera still sucks at times. The controls are still as fun and awkward as ever. Even the physics really haven't changed. Besides upping the scale of objects, this game hasn't changed a bit. It's more of a full on expansion than a new game. Only the music has changed. But the music still has the insane mesh of oddness that somehow fits perfectly with this style of game. You truly will not forget the almost psychoticly weird pop/jazz/techno/classical tunes that play while you roll things up into a ball.
While this has all been done before, more of a good thing is still a good thing. THis game may not have the same fun factor as the original, but that's simply because it's been done before. This is still a unique game with many interesting moments that will leave you unable to put down your controller. It's definitely worth the 20$ I spent on it.