Probably the most uneccessary game ever made. Based on a movie no one has ever heard of.
This game is quite possibly one of the worst games ever made
Standard beat em up. Kind of.
The plot of the film was Robin Harris taking some chick named Bebe and her 3 kids to an amusement park. Hilarity didn't ensue, nor did entertainment.
This game however has no real plot and is worse than the film. Cliche licensed game.
You play as 1 of two of Bebe's welfare recieiving sterotypical black children: Kahlil (who is a boy that dresses like he was a member of Kris Kross) and Lashawn (who is a girl with bad teeth).
It drops you into an amusement park but doesn't tell you why, nor what to do. It doesn't even tell you the people who are attacking you are the bad guys.
The controls are complex and terrible. The only complex parts are what few people who have played this know about and that's an uppercut type move or a roundhouse kick. You have to push about 3 buttons to do these moves which back in the SNES days wasn't as simple as today.
The easy controls are a jump which is slow and makes you glide for some reason. A standard punch for Kahlil and a kick for Lashawn. Both moves are really slow which makes trying to fight the enemies harder than it should be, especially when there are 2 or 3 enemies at once.
Most enemies will only die after about 10 hits and with attacks so slow it takes a long time to beat them. What makes it worse is that there is a timer and a lot of respawning enemies.
i played a rom, and the only way i was able to beat the first level is by holding down the keys so that they would continue kicking and punching nonstop.
Even though i was kicking and punching the whole time, the moves didn't always connect. And if it means that you get hit by an enemy then you're really in trouble because the enemy will grab you and hold you until you die. i later found out that you can break free from their grip by rapidly pressing all the buttons.
If you're actually able to beat the first level you're a real trooper. No one i know of has beaten the second, me included. So i have no idea how the game ends but i know there are only 6 levels. You will find the holy grail sooner and in less tries than to reach the 6th level. Because once you die, you start over from the very beginning. Could it be possible to beat the game? Who knows. The difficulty of the game will probably make most gamers mad and shut it off. That's not such a bad thing seeing how terrible it is. If you are sadistic enough then you may make it to the 3rd level but i find that highly unlikely.
It is extremely difficult. The controls are terrible. There is no narrative. The graphics are generic beat em up SNES. Hard to call any music in the game music.
It could easily be the longest game you ever play only because you could never reach the end even though there's only 6 levels.
People play video games to have a fun time. This game will not be and should be avoided.
If you are interested in seeing how bad it is, good luck. If you're patient enough to reach the final let alone the 3rd then you deserve a Purple Heart.
Stick to funner games like Shaq Fu or Superman 64. If you own a copy, bury it with hopes a **** tree will grow. Such a thing is more possible than you beating it in less than 10 tries.
It's a good thing this was Motown Games' only game because if they continued to make more games this bad with any bigger sterotypes of African American's, then it would set civil rights back to the 19th century.
Usually **** makes good fertilizer. Bebe kills.