Worst... Game... Ever...
Pretty much nothing
The Bad:
Needs Xbox 360 pad, too difficult, not realistic, only 35 countries and major suckage :(
This game goes over the top with it's stupidness, i mean, how such a big developer like SEGA have made this piece of doo doo! I cannot believe how bad this game is, it puts olympic games to a shame! I think that E.T. is even better than this piece of crap! I rented it and unistalled it after 30 mins of gameplay! Can you believe that!
You know Angry Video Game Nerd right?, well he should review this game, it's so bad i cannot believe it, damn! If you dare to play it, download it, don't buy it or rent it just download it, this kakadookee will take 4GB of your hard drive space! I bet you will unistall it after 10 minutes.
So, i'd rather watch Meet the Spartans for 3 consecutive times without break than play this crap!
Verdict - 1/10