Better off just watching the real event.
Its not easy either to make a game of this type as there is just so many grounds to cover and the design/gameplay/control scheme has to fit each event. Also most of the time game developers are after a quick buck.
The last seems to be the case here. Having a game to go on shelves along with 2008 olympics is an opportunity to make a game that could cash in money. What u need is pretty graphics and detailed courses so that it looks great on tv ads and demo screens. Mission accomplished.
To actually play this game is a complete different story. Game tries to make every event a challenge by coming up with new control scheme that is original and "inspired by real sport". It never occured to anyone in the programming or testing team that their ideas were totally unplayable.
Now what they COULD have done instead was to make u do the managing tasks, instead of giving direct control over athletes. With different commands like Push, hold position, back off and some status bars that react to each situation. Involving more strategy than zombie-button-mashing.
Right now, its a good showpiece. A better option is to just turn on the tv.