A fair purchase if your looking for achievements and splitscreen.
Events also include swimming, diving, gymnastics, shooting, archery, weight lifting, long jump, judo, cycling, kyaking, triple jump, high jump, shot put and many many more.
In one player the game is dull, this is mianly because of the controls, most events include hacking buttons to gather up speed or some sort of timing based idea where you have to click the triggers in time with your atheletes feet etc..
But in multiplayer you forgot about it and have a lot more fun, especially in splitscreen 4 player mode.
Graphics are average for the 360, water details are great, especially in the swimming and kyaking events.
Of course some events are better than others, for example, running is well designed and simple, but then there are events like judo which overcomplicate things and even the tutorial can't help you understand.
Achievments are also really fun- you get a real sense of achievment when you acctually get one.
They usually include breaking world and olympic records.
Thanks for reading this review- hope it's helped you.