Not just your everyday puzzle game.
I believe that this is the best game for the XBOX Arcade thus' far. (Yes I have played them all). This and Hexic (the 2puzzle games) are the only 2 that seems to get me coming back for more.
Before you download make sure that you have enough hours in your day to get to tryout everything - because this is 110% time consuming.. Once you start playing you're not going to want to finish until you've played all of the game modes.. and once you think you've done everything youll end up unlocking another.
There are 8 game modes all together - 4 which you have to unlock. I still havn't done everyhing that this game has to offer.. The leaderboards are solid - but I guess thats in every game now days.
If you get it I hope you enjoy it. and goodluck. xD