Not just another "pretty" looking game.

User Rating: 8 | Beowulf: The Game PC
This game really does rise above the recent surge of games that were "all flash, no substance". Yes, the game looks pretty (even though, as some have said, the graphics are somewhat outdated), but it does manage to draw you in. The battles really do feel epic, and there is more to the battles than mere button-mashing. Troll fights are a lot more technical than barbarian fights, and require you to time your sidesteps so that you may counterattack in a most favorable way. The enemies don't stand idly by as you try to break a barbarian's arm and will attack you. However, your thanes do feel a bit underpowered and tend to die off a bit fast. The game makers have a pretty good solution for this, by having a spotlight at the end of each battle, which will revive all of your fallen thanes.
The story is not great, but consider that it is a game created for a Hollywood movie. Few of these have ever had real success. I think that, considering the fact that even the movie was a Hollywood rendition of a Viking myth, Beowulf manages to draw you in quite well. The battles feel great and encouraging your thanes to row faster or push a door open, feels as satisfying (when you succeed), as well as disappointing (when you time yourself wrong).
Given the standards of "Hollywood games", Beowulf is an epic and visceral experience, well worth playing, even with its minor frustrations.