a great design in graphics but with to much hard key combination

User Rating: 5.5 | Beowulf: The Game PC
i can say i waited for the movie since i heard it will be produced. the same for the game here. but when i got my hand on on the game i was disappointed. the game is looking good in graphics but i think the engine is quite old. another bothering thing is the stupid hard key combination you have to do.i mean its a good idea but its way to hard on some points. a good example is you have to row the bout. you have to hold a certain key and then at some point to pres up or down. i stood for over half on hour and still couldn't get somewhere. i have played a lot of games and some skills at games i think i have so the unexperienced finger moving on the keyboard isn't the problem. the story isn't at intense as i have hoped but the voice acting is wonderful. i hope that i can find a way to overcome the hardness of the game so i could play it. it seems to have a big potential and i warmly suggest the game for playing but those with little patience i would suggest you skip it.