This game Rocked!

User Rating: 9.1 | Berzerk 2600
I loved this game (a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away). You are a stick man (again) in this game and run around electrified walls shooting robots. The robots would also shoot back. It was cool to get two robots to simultaneously fire at you from both sides and then move out of the way only to watch both of your enemies take each other out.

Here is the commercial:

From the mannual:

"Try to keep from going bonkers as you dodge robot fire and elude the robot gang leader, Evil Otto. Your objective: Destroy robots, rack up as many points as possible, and stay alive as you move through a multitude of maddening BERZERK mazes.

Use your joystick controller to move through the electrified maze - but don't touch the walls, or you'll fry! Press any red fire button to shoot lasers at the robots.

Watch out for Evil Otto! He's invincible; nothing can destroy him. Once he catches you, you'll never escape. He'll pound you to a pulp, grinning like a maniac all the while. Your only hope is to get out of the maze before Evil Otto reaches you. Then you'll be in a new maze, facing a new set of robot goons. And Evil Otto will pursue you again!

Each round is completed when you exit from the maze. The game ends when you lose your last life."