One of the worst shooting game.
User Rating: 1.7 | Bet on Soldier: Blood Sport PC
They must have a put a lot of thought of how to sell this game because it did. The packaging looks really good and had some good comments. But being like me buying the newest games out there without waiting for the reviews snag this one. Wrong mistake, the opening of the movie was already bad. Bet on Soldier was made by amatuers who didn't put enough time on the game. The story is about a man whos wife is murdered and his dog also that the only way he could kill the murderers is to become a soldier which everyone is betting on who's gonna win. It sounds really cheesy, like some old z rated movies that didn't made it to the theaters. I wasted $39.99 on this game hell, I just play this so could game on the first level and I was already tired of it. I would rather play chinese checkers than this one, it's just so bad I got rid of it and deleted it from hard drive. If you're a hardcore gamer like me please don't this game, it will make you look bad, if you own it please throw it away or wrap for christmas gift for someone who can tolarate playing this game. Anyways, the graphics is okay since I have an SLI system but everything else is just ridiculous. The story is so lame, the AI is so predictable, and lame the sound was like taken from a low budget war movie. It's just bad I give them one for trying to make a game anyways. To the players i highly recommend "not" to buy this game and to the makers of this game if you guys are still able to make another game, do some research. I know I'm a harsh critic and there's a saying that" No one made a monument for a critic" but then again no one made a monument for a ridiculous game. Thanks for reading and don't forget to scratch this off your christmas wishlist. Happy holidays to everyone.