The game is better than most people give it credit for.
You select Bet on Soldier champions(pretty much a boss) in which you fight at specific times on your journey through the level and you have 1 minute to kill them....this can be one of the toughest parts of the game because as you progress, your challengers also have an upgraded arsenal.
Once you are in game, you move around in a semi-linear battle field and meet up with the BOS challengers.
There are mechs that you are able ride in which have missile launchers and a rotary turret arm. I wasn't too impressed with this but there is nothing wrong with it...the one in AvP2 and BF-2142 are way better.
The biggest disappointment is the fact that nobody else plays this game online which would probably be the best part....unfortunately, I do not think I will ever get to challenge anybody.
The characters are kind of tacky and the dmg effects on your enemies are either blood splatter or completely torn apart....say from a rocket launcher or super shotgun.(AVP2 was made much earlier and you could at least see spins, lungs, ect. =D.
If I were to put this in a genre, it would be....Action RPG FPS
So if you are waiting on a game that hasn't come out yet and will soon and have an urge to play a game. Try it out, it isn't bad after all.