I'd have to say I have a pretty good computer...that being the case, I have had practically no problem with this game...in fact, I've set aside playing guild wars for the past week in order to blast my way through the missions in Bet on Soldier. Initially, I couldn't stand the game...everything cost way too much (even saving) and the weapons i had (a pistol and an assault rifle) left something to be desired. I had actually gotten the game for free with a new motherboard, so I wasn't bummed out when I took it off my computer. That night, I had a revalation though...all I could think of was getting my hands on the machine gun and blowing some enemies away...with that inspiring me, I ended up with an smg (great for one on one encounters because of it's ability to get headshots with relative ease, as well as some sniping ablities when you're zoomed in) and the machine gun, which I actually used very little, because of the effectiveness of my smg. So I went through some missions, and after taking on the champions in under 30 seconds with my massive firepower, I decided that it was totally worth keeping on my computer and playing. I'm still playing it and am set up with a great set of armor and weapons, still holding on to the machine gun and smg (the machine gun is so great for taking on those exo's I hate so much too) I've actually only encountered 2 glitches in the entire game: the first was a mis-save, and the second was when I got stuck behind a ladder (which I fixed by planting a grenade beneath my feet, lifting me up and out of my "predicament"!!!) Overall, I'd say this is a beautiful game with incredible looking maps, and if forced to pay for it, I'd gladly do so!!!
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