It sucks

User Rating: 3.2 | Beyblade: Let it Rip! PS
Beyblades were a minor craze in the latter days of my primary school career, at the time the things were fun but when we look back we have to accept that a part from the occasional tv ep, it was not all that. The game takes not all that and throws it to the wind it is god damn awful. One cbegins a beyblading career as a random character that you are assigned. There is no coherant story so it is hard for me to comment on that. The graphics are 3D, well so are a lot of games, and frankly there were games looking just as good on the SNES. The soundtrack i sboring and repetitive and the sound effects and voice acting is atrocious. Ganeplay is the worst thing about the game. You power up your launch and then you watch your blade spin aimlessly around the one stadium they could be bothered to feature. You have poor control of your blade and so it is really by the sheer ease of the opponents that the game is so easy. All in all just plain boredom on a stick. Not much to say really just keep away.