Play with the real toys. Forget this game.
Problem is someone forgot to add the "fun and excitement" into the game.
From the get go, the game feels weird. Launching your beyblade into the game, attacking the other's beyblade by bumping into, it just makes you wonder, what's the point of this game? Yes, the point of it is to win, by knocking it out, but it seems like it's a game better played with the real toys. In the video game form, all the action seems pretty lame. The story is pretty low key, and toned down to a point that the story is as follows:
Win battles, win tounrmanets, collect parts, rinse and repeat.
There are many parts to collect in the game, but the inventory screens for your parts and building the Beyblades seems to be a confusing mess. Once you collect many parts, it gets to be a hassle trying to figure out what part you want, what does what, and what is best for your Beyblade. That is if you can stand this game long enough to earn many parts.
Graphics are decent, music is generic, and the voice announcer has very few lines, which leads to a lot of annoying repeats such as "What a great launch!"
I's like the Crave wanted you to forget about Beyblade on purpose.
Seriously, play with the real toys, forget this Playstation game.