it doesn't suck alltogether, and if your a fan, you could play it. im just not glad i did it.
but admit, just what kind of game could you create out of this series? bitbeasts? spinners? tournaments? ability to create your own blade? well, i guess this game has pretty much off those factors. but its just not a solid base for a game. the biggest problem is the lack of variaty that makes the one-player game go bad. the tournament is just not fun! at the beginning, its hard, but after one or two hours, you have created a perfect blade, owning every opponont on the screen.
the twoplayer battle is much more fun! it can get quite challanging to win if you both made your own perfect blade!. battle royal and team battle is fun is its own ways.
my advice: dont buy this game if you dont like the series. if you like the series, and have some friends who do as well, this can be a nice game. for as long as it takes, which is not long.