This is a very fun, quirky game to get into, a human with a half human, half pig sidekick, whats better than that.
User Rating: 9.1 | Beyond Good & Evil PS2
Now i must say, when you pop this game into your ps2, the menu screen, (i think) is very good, now if some people would learn from this and improve their menu screens and game setup, i wont say any names. But this game is very fun to get into, it has that sam fisher (not exactly) metal gear solid (not all the way) type of feel. The combat in this game is very incredible, i must applaud the developement team for making this combat system because it is a very good one, i cant wait to see if they make a sequel. But the voice acting is really well done, the main character Jade's voice actor is really good, so is Pe'j, the half human, half pig sidekick, is really well done. The action is split up into combat, sneaking around, and intense combat, you rarely find intense combat, but when you do, it satisfies you greatly. There is also a little side quest in the game, where you actually have a camera to take pictures of government conspiracies and stuff, but you can also use the camera to take pictures of wild-life to earn money to buy upgrades for your health, but you usually find the health upgrades yopurself, or you can buy upgrades for your little speed boat that you use to travel to different islands and places to solve quests. The characters, when you play the game, you feel a sort of attachment to them, at lesat i do, and you want to see them prevail, which good people always do, sometimes at least. If you want a game with an excellent storyline, (even though its been seen many times before, they twist it around a little bit to give it flavor) and a great presentation, and also a very good blend of stealth and action, and very fulfilling sidequests, then i recommend Beyond Good & Evil to you.