BG&E is one of the best games ever made. With amazing music, voice over's and a very deep story.

User Rating: 9.5 | Beyond Good & Evil PC
Beyond Good & Evil was not a very popular game. Not because it was horrible it just did not take off like it should have.
This game instantly became one of my favorite games of all time. The story starts off with Jade and her uncle Pey'j who take care of a orphanage. Attacks from a group called "The Domz" are spreading throughout the city and you have to put a stop to it. Seems like a pretty basic story at first but you soon learn that it becomes very deep and emotional.
You will instantly grow attached to these characters, all of them are very likable with amazing voice over work. The voice overs were very well done and not a "dull" or "corny" moment in the dialogue which was very pleasing.
This game contains some funny humor in it with plenty of action and suspense. The story will keep you sucked in and you'll wanna keep on playing to find out what happens next.
Although the game did feel a little short, it is still amazing and worth checking out.
Ubisoft went with a engine called "The Jade Engine" which plays out very nice and I had no complaints about it.
The Music in this game was excellent. I instantly searched all over for the sound track. Every song is very well done and really pulls you into the moment.
Gameplay was smooth and very addicting, from the crazy action scenes too the very clever puzzles, there's something everyone can love about the gameplay.
So bottom line is that this was a very amazing and very well done game that just never took off like they wanted it too. Hopefully everyone will check this out and the sequel.