i know its been so long, but i was going through my collection and came by this one and i wanted to share my thoughts !
when i write a review i always try to make sure to cover the basics like the gameplay, the game graphics, the sound engine and the AI.
for an action adventure game that lets you drive a hovercraft and fight as well as solving puzzels this game made an awsome job.
its abit short indeed but not that short, you can end the game in three to four hours of constant playing but if your still new to this type of games you will need six to ten hours to complete all levels of the game i believe they were five i guess i dont really remember though.
if you can get your hand on a copy for this game, i mean even now at late 2006 with alan wakes new game almost out, i asure you wont regret it , its not like other old adventure games that used horrible graphics that when after a year or two you go on installing them just to find out how bad they looked even if they were GOTYs.