the game no one ever played is getting a second chance now no one has an excuse not to try it. its as good as i remember
i was very excited when they anounced the remake because it could only be a test for the seqeul wich i've been waiting for for years. and believe me the remake delivers not only to the longtime fans but also to newcomers i've been advertising this game for years to my friends and this give's them a chance to try it.
the story is as great as it ever with characters wich you feel for i won't spoil anything but there are some real emotional moments wich can really get to you.
the game combines puzzle solving exploration racing and stealth gameplay allot of games try to do more then one thing and end up doing al not very well. but in this game it works stealth game's in particular are for the most part only good in pure stealth games such ass splintercell and otherwise you get a bad stealth sytem such as in oblivion but here it works. the game is mostly sneaking past gaurds platforming and puzle solving to get to places where you can take youre picture.
in the gameplay department is where you can notice the game's age it's for instance impossible to reverse the camera axes seperatly which can cause problems for some gamers. this is no problem for me though so it didn't bother me much.
changes from the original
the main change is that it looks allot sharper the graphics got a huge improvment and it shows also the picture's you take look a lot better and the over all look is just a bit better.
unfortunatly for some reasons they decided to make the game just a bit easier in the slaughter house level there is a part where you had to take out 3 mines with crates. you had to jump dificult path with the hovercraft the part still exists but there are only two mines wich means that you don't even have to get to the third crate wich doe'n't even exist anymore. but i played the original so many times that i went for it out of reflex and ofcourse made it first try only to find it wasn't there.
so people get the game its great really and for 800 microsoft it's very cheap