Far too underappreciated.
User Rating: 9 | Beyond Good & Evil PS2
Beyond Good and Evil is one of those games that should have been a huge success, but sadly became a bargain bin game. I'd read about it and definitely wanted to pick it up and check it out, but a few months after it was released I found it for $15 at a local department store. I certainly bought it, but wasn't expecting as much seeing how cheap I picked it up for. Boy was I surprised. I was instantly drawn in to the great visuals, likable characters and immersing game world. Combat is very reminiscent of Zelda while still having it's own unique feel to it. Exploration is fun and rewarding. Side missions are a blast and the story is amongst the best, if shortest, in gaming. To date I still occasionally go back to play this one. It's like watching an old favorite movie. It does have some of the standard problems with titles of this ilk. The camera occasionally gets in the way. Controls sometimes stick. And certain obstacles occasionally offer a cheapened difficulty as a result of these problems, but generally these things don't get in the way of this being a fun game. Heck, even the stealth elements are done in a fun way. All in all this is a must play game. Go check your local bargain bins and try to find this one, you won't be disappointed.