Deserves more attention.
For centuries, the planet Hillys has been bombarded by a relentless alien race. In Beyond Good and Evil, a rebellious action reporter named Jade sets out to capture the truth behind the invasion.
My Review:
Beyond Good and Evil is an action/rpg that I would recommend to anybody. This game has something for everyone. It has a fast paced story that keeps you on the edge of your seat. And will keep you hanging till the end.
BG&E also incorporates elements from some of my other favorite games. Such as the camera accessory in Dark Cloud 2, the stealth action as in Metal Gear, and it also has a collecting system reminiscent of Zelda. And to top it all off, it has a hover craft that you use to make your way through Hillys. And it also has races that you can enter in the earn money and pearls to upgrade your hover craft.
The world of Hillys is beautiful and vivid. When you’re cruzing arou`nd in your hover craft, you’ll be amazed at the scenery.
The main character, Jade, is just an all around solid character. There’s nothing that she can’t do. And the NPC’s actually don’t get in your way, and they assist with the puzzles and fighting very well.
I could go on and on about how much I love this game. The only bad thing I could say about this game is it is fairly short. But, personally I choose quality over quantity.
Take my advise and play this game! You won’t be sorry you did.