Beyond the Beyond is a gem lost in time

User Rating: 9 | Beyond the Beyond PS
The classic RPG formula fails in many games but it works well here. Anyone that enjoys old Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy SNES games will love Beyond the Beyond. It was made for old-school RPG fanatics.

It features a handful of memorable, fun characters, each with their own motivation for joining the hero on his quest. There are also secret characters and secret merchants that are worthwhile to look for because, even as extras, they add a lot to the storyline.

The events sprinkled throughout this game are amazing. Even though the storyline is linear, the player is hit with twists and turns just when the action seems to be in a lull. Every long, difficult puzzle and maze is worth it in the end.

On that note, this is not an easy game. In some areas, power leveling is a must. Enemies are smart and loaded with skills. The good thing is, your characters become immensely stronger as they level up. The power leveling is a huge payoff in itself.

I think that with the advent of the PS3, XBOX 360 and Wii, it's still worth your time to revisit the glory days of the console RPG, if just for one deep moment of nostalgia when you come to the end of this 80+ hour quest.