here is what happens in the game.
choose your character by way of presenting you with two life-pods, side by side, a window on each exposes the bare torso of each character. your character opens your eyes. you find yourself dressed in all white with long pants, boots, long sleeved hooded shirt. rotate the camera around the character. the character's head will avoid your gaze, turning his/her head so the camera is focused on the character's hooded profile. eventually he/she can turn no more and you will get a fleeting glance of the eyes, though the rest of the face has been wrapped. the beach around you is beautifully desolate. close your eyes and you'll see the world as a tron-like landscape. turn around to see a lone, narrow building. enter the building.
This is the part where you're supposed to play chess, drink wine and smoke with another player. No player was available obviously because no one plays this game so I had to press a button to play with a simulation. Either drink wine, smoke a cigarette or add a chess piece to the chessboard and listen to your character recite some vague, context-less phrases that you'd imagine would fit into a french art film. once you've heard them a few times you'll be able to start coming up with your own.
then go back to the beach, look at a lone item that has appeared on the beach and THEN DO THE EXACT SAME THING LIKE 15 TIMES.
works of art which ask for your attention through lengthy bouts of possibly intentional tedium require a sense of investment from you on some other level. Whether you're engaged or not is dependent on you and it is a risk the artist takes. I fucking loved every single Gus Van Sant's Gerry despite the pain it induced. bientot l'ete i didn't really give a shit and kept looking down at my phone. though i still spent a good hour on a game that can be finished in 10 or 15min. so there's that.