Colourful and fun - a must have.
User Rating: 10 | Big Bang Mini DS
At first when I heard about the game, it was in a very early stage. I really thought the idea of "firework shooter" was goofy, considering the current offer on the NDS. Actually playing it made me realize how much it was missing in the handheld portfolio! The game is fun, addictive, colorful and you can see it was brooded for long months of careful development - not one of these cheap 4 months development scheme to satisfy a greedy publisher over one more license.
Levels are plenty, bosses range from easy to hair pulling hard. The music is great and fits to every environment.
It is both challenging (you need to go through that learning curve to shoot and dodge quickly) and casual (everybody loves fireworks).
I really had fun playing this game, so did my 8 year old son.
Thanks for bringing this to us.
Keep up the good work Arkedo!