Is it a racing sim or is it a cargo handling sim?
Gameplay the game is all about you buying low and selling high. Choose any character you want other then the fact that they each drive a unique looking 18 wheeler. Their driving abilities are equal.
Now comes the boring repetitive part. You make a decision on which type of cargo you want and you buy low. Then you haul that cargo to another city, almost always being challenged by rival trucking companies to a race. If you win you get some more money if you lose well hope your load makes up the loss, sell high. Now repeat this 59 more times and hopefully you will earn more cash then your other offspring and take over Ma's trucking company.
At each city you will find a bar with a bartender that will tell you what might be a good load for you to haul. The bartender also might have a special job for you to complete to add some more cash to your pocket. There is also a loan shark present ready to take your cash. And if that was not enough a slot machine is also present to either add or subtract your cash.
Money is everything in this game you will need it to fix up your rig so you can haul larger loads, plus add a few add ons that should help improve your rig.
You will also find at each city a store that buys and sells you your loads. A garage to gas up your rig. Plus to fix any damage, purchase some add ons to improve your rig, and to also sell you the different types of trailers used to haul your loads around.
Graphics are very nice you do have some nice scenery to stare at while you drive your big rig down the road. But like just about everything else with this game you will get very bored with it.
Sound not much here other then the radio chatter. You will have a variety of different radio stations to listen to, but after one run through of the game you will simply turn this off.
Value this is one game you should either rent or get out of the bargain bin or but it from your local video game store used. Once you conquer Trial By Trucking you will not find too much more to go back after.