i honestly have to say... What the **** is this. its not even a game is it... am i dreaming... am i????
User Rating: 1 | Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing PC
i normally review high quality games but i decided i'll see if the peice of **** is real. i hated this game so much i threw it outside and a couple of friends saw what happens if i throw magnets on the disk. put it in the microwave, and sludge it. it was fun. if you want to see a piece of **** game and see it for yourself then go ahead... otherwise this sucks. no colision detection. no sound. there is no A.I. you can leave the game completly into a void. and at least the devolopers did something right. and that was at least you have actual gameplay. even though it sucks congrats devolopers for makin the ****in ****iest game i ever ****en played you ***es. if i could it would get a zero. it doesnt even deserve the one. it doesnt deserve any rating. go punch whoever made this game please and have the never ake a sequal. gta taught me something . how to kill devolopers so c ya.