I Can't Understand How This Game Was Allowed To be Published

User Rating: 1 | Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing PC
ive read the review on gamespot among other and they all dissed the game emensoly....but i dint think it could be that bad with no features to speak of......but man i was wrong i picked this game a ta garge sale for bought 2 bucks (canadian) i unstalled the game and was plain shocked......this game looks like it was half done and plays the eact same im not even metioning how unisnpired the levels are or how the cpu lets you win or how the other racer doesnt move or no cop chases....but thats not why i had the urge to write this review what id ont underatnd is what company would actually buy this game from them... was it a bribe? Were they do some kind of illegal narcotic? The games readme file says the games been tested.....but we all no thats *words removed* buget titles come out all the time..and rarely are there good ones (beside classic collections) but this one is plain deplorable....like alex said "yeah it might be funny as a gag gift but buying this pieces off garbage is just urging them to make cruddy games like these any good qualities of this game? its amusing. only because off the fact of hoew horrible it is.... what im more mad at is why did i spend that 2 bucks...i could got some gum,or a bar...or *just sorta wonders off*