As you first start the game you are right from the bat amazed by the slick menu design and inspiring music. The game's art design puts Picasso to shame. It looks so unique with sharp textures and environmental detail that completely triumphs over Metal Gear Solid 4 (note MGS4 was released this year, Big Rigs was released 2003).
The story in this game is really complicated and involves memorable characters, unexpected plot twists and an amazing ending (sequel please). The voice acting is brilliant and fits the characters perfectly and the cutscenes along with the performances are Oscar worthy.
The gameplay is really where it's at, it's easy to learn, but hard to master. The physics are some of the best I've ever seen and the level design is just genius. The game is also immensely satsifying as You're Winner no matter if you lose or not. The enemy AI is incredibly realistic and no playthrough is the same twice. The replay value is immense with an insane amount of content and treats for the fanbase and references to their earlier masterpieces (such as Taxi Racer).
You HAVE to play this game. Everything about it is breathtaking, it immersed me from the beginning and I'm currently on my 15th playthrough. It really is the best game ever, and no game will ever exceed it. Ever.
Buy it. Now.