User Rating: 1 | Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing PC
My nephew bought this trash and it is a classic! What a horror! I agree with the comments that the selling of this rubbish is a criminal act, fraud at it's worst. It is beyond compare in its' lack of ANY redeeming value whaatsoever. Use the box to store paperclips and you can recoup some of the investment. Even the recyled paper from the box carries more intrinsic value than the coded cr*p on the CD. The Stellar (developer) web site is as hilarious as advertised in some of the posts on Gamespot. Obviously a Russian (mafia?) comapny with no signifiacnt command of the English language. A quote from the web site touting their game making skills states: "We always try to keep fee as low as possible, virtually garantee to our customers that they'll won't found term that will be more suitable for them." AAAARRRRRGGGGGHH!!!! Such tortured prose! Only buy it if your game collection MUST contain the worst came ever made and I have played hundreds dating back to Intellevison and Odyssey. Oh for the days of Pong!