Just don't go there.
To put it bluntly this game is just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad that it's hard to believe any publisher would willing submit itself to such endeavor as to publish this game.
But lemme say it again, this game is so bad that it’s actually, realistically possible that the programmers didn't spend more then 1 week making this game. And the published more then 5 seconds reviewing it.
But enough talk, lets get down to the facts. And so we engage in what is perhaps my shortest review, of what is certainly, the worst game ever made.
Graphics: 1/10
They're there and that's about it. The 3D models are at least half decent; too bad this game doesn't know what ''clipping'' is. You can go through anything. I mean it. Trees, signposts, buildings, BRIDGES!!!!
Even the terrain features aren't decent enough to be noticed. Rivers appear and disappear out of plains as they wish. Bridges are absolutely useless since you fall right through them, etc. The graphics are, as I said, just there. Nothing more, but certainly a lot less.
Sound: 0/10
This game, in 2004 has no sound effects. Nothing but one lousing looping track as you go through the road.
Gameplay: 1/10
Where do I start? Maybe I should say that this game has only 5 trucks, or that it only has 5 tracks (out of which 1 doesn't work), or that the AI does not exist but I'll start with the interface.
When you start the game up you get what are perhaps the 5 most lousy options ever made in a game: Career play, Random race, settings, high score, credits and quit (PS: Click quit as fast as your mouse is capable of). That's it.
But no problem. Choose any one of those options, since you will forever get the same result: You're Winner. High scores; useless. The other damn truck doesn't even as much as move. Options... what options this game is already running at the lowest settings possible. Credits? What you didn't already know that this game was made by 3 people on one computer in a weekend? And quit, by far the most divinely of those options. Clicking quit is a sweet relaxing experience... but I can't do it right now for I have to tell you what else is left out of this wreck of a game.
Assuming you choose one of the gameplay related options (random race, and circuit or career race) you will be taken to a selection of trucks. There are 5 to choose. They all handle, drive and feel the same. They can be carrying 300 Tons of nitro-glycerin they will still do 300 MPH while going backwards.
But assuming you do want to race, after you choose a truck you can choose a similarly bland track to race on. Now you can go ahead and try to evade the police and pursuit your goal of delivering you precious cargo to the other end of the track... Say what? There's no cops, competition or cargo? Yup.
The AI doesn't move. It's that easy. It just sits there waiting for you to finish (but you may not even get to do that, we'll talk about it later). Your truck goes over 900 MPH in reverse, it magically passes through everything on the road. It can climb up mountains at the same speed it can go back wards.
Furthermore, your truck will stop instantly once you stop holding down the up arrow. No matter at what speed it will be going, or on what type of terrain it will be finding itself. You stop holding down the UP arrow, the truck stops. You press the arrow again the truck goes back to 900 MPH.
But that's the best-case scenario. In the worst-case scenario you won't even get to race. See, this game has a weird way of making you a winner before you even get to hit the up arrow. This glitch happens every now and then and has been under close supervision by the CIA and the BBB as to whether or not your getting ripped off without even getting to as much as a race.
The only reason that keeps me from giving this game a zero in the gameplay category is also probably the saddest of all. This game, inexplicably, has less bugs then either Deus Ex 2 or KOTOR. This is truly sad.
Multiplayer: N/A
Thank a deity this game has no multiplayer. I mean I can just see it now... 2 players eagerly racing against another with no chance of winning. They both go at the same speed. They both pass through everything on the road, and they both pass through each other... what a match.
Overall: 1/10
This game is the saddest piece of software ever made. It has doesn't have even one redeeming quality. You could try to find one, but unless you wanna be really sarcastic, you won't find it no matter how hard you try.
This game is horrible, whatever you do, not even out of curiosity, ever should you buy this game.