This is a joke...It just has to be a joke...
There is none its just driving through a bunch of houses and falling through bridges! The only thing that you dont go right through in this game is the ground!(thank god for that)
These graphics would have been appropriate for 1990.Theyre so horrible theyre just blocks with no senery except for grass...Ye like grass?
As many others have remarked,there is no sound.No racing sounds,no engine sounds,no crashing sounds(that would be true if you COULD crash into things)The only sounds is the same song that just digs into youre brain and it feeds on you until you can never forget the song,the BLOODY SONG!
I dont think you even need me to talk about this part.
Seriously I pitty anyone who even thinks this game is OKAY! I seriously dont know why it came out,what the hell they were thinking when they made it.But seriously just stay away....Run!!!! SAVE YOURSELF!!!!!!!