Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing has got to be one of the lamest games ever made.
Gameplay: This is the first and worst part of Big Rigs. You can select up to four trucks, and up to five tracks. Once you get in the game, the real terror begins. First, your opponent truck never moves, which makes you win all the time. Second, once you cross a bridge, you fall through it. Third, you go through everything in the track, making it an illusion. Fourth, your truck accelerates faster and faster and faster, which is a really annoying glitch. Fifth, once you brake, and finally stop, your truck spins around and around like a retard Last but not least, the winning screen, and it's repetitive, because of your lazy opponent truck. Once you reach the finish line, the game will show a trophy with three handles, and the words "You're Winner!" There is no such thing as a trophy with three handles, and the winning sentence sounds crompletely wrong, which makes it the worst winning screen in the history of video games. As a result, the gameplay in Big Rigs deserves a major thumbs down.
Graphics: Ugh, the graphics are also terrible. The truck models are all black, and the backlights float off of them. Even the track design is pretty bad.
Sound: The sound is mediocre at best. There are no sound effects in Big Rigs. At all. Instead, the only sound is the horrific techno music, and it loops again and again.
Value: Replay value? Oh, there is none.
Tilt: Overall, Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing has got to be one of the lamest games ever made. There are a ton of games better than this. Play Super Mario, Zelda, Mega Man, Halo, or anything like that. Just stay away from this traffic jam at every cost.