its truely the worst game ever

User Rating: 1 | Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing PC
this is not a game,this is one big bug/joke its broken in everyway possible and if u call this a racing game its NOT u can have racing on this gmae but the other trucks wont move and + wheres the cargo all truck need cargo,theres only about 3 or 4 trucks to choose from u cant unlock anything u can go through bulidings that look like cardboard. music/sound..crap. game crap. this game should of stay in dovlepment for about 5-8 more months and it did that then i would given it an 8.0 but this game gets 1.0 in fact it does not even desveres a 1.0 it deserves a 0.0

overall DONT buy,rent or even look this crap